Fourth of July

Insurance tips for keeping your life, liberty and happiness!


Celebrate Safely!

First and Foremost, as insurance agents, we’d be neglectful if we didn’t tell you to avoid any fireworks that are managed by professionals and put on for public display. Every year, there are accidents and fires as a result of amateurs. Just go see the local public display.

BBQ grills were the cause of 84 reported fires last year in Massachusetts. Grill outdoors, at least 10 feet from any structures, and never leave a grill unattended. Your homeowners insurance may cover damage from a fire claim, but do you really want to have to make that call to us? You can get more information on Home Grill Fires by going to

Pools are always a liability, but with a little effort, you can minimize your risk. Have someone in charge of supervising the pool at all times, or consider hiring a lifeguard for the day. Don’t allow glass containers near the pool to avoid cuts (or a visit to the local ER for stitches).

We hope you have a safe and happy Forth of July, and remember, We’re Here for You!

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