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Announcing our 2021 Referral Program

If you know someone looking for auto insurance, home insurance, business insurance or any other kind of property insurance, we want to be your first suggestion. For your friends in Pembroke, your neighbors in Osterville or your coworkers in Plymouth,…

Holiday Hi-Jinx

Are you struggling to find somewhere to hide those holiday presents? Maybe you have a super snooper, or just a small closet.  A tempting spot may be in your trunk or back of your car, but that’s not the best…

Driving in Winter Wonderland

Truck in snow

If you are a new driver, or recently moved to New England, you may not be ready for driving in the snow and ice. As a matter of fact, last winter was fairly mild, so we all need a refresher.…

Ready or Not, here comes Winter

small home with snow on it

Are you ready for winter? No,  we aren’t either. Really, we are asking….Is your HOME ready? Winter in New England can be fickle-we could be piled high with snow, or we could see mild temperatures all winter long. Regardless, there…


Living in New England, deer are a fact of life-and hitting a deer can be nerve-wracking. The good news is, if a deer decides to take a jog into the side or front of your car, if you have comprehensive…

We love your referrals!

Your referrals mean the world to us.  We work hard to earn each referral with great service and appreciation for your business every day.  Hannon-Murphy does not rely have salespeople, we continue to grow year after year by relying on…

What about that TREE?

Oh, those trees look so colorful and innocent this time of year. Fall is a beautiful time in New England, but like March, fall can bring some wind and rain to our area. While we can all do our best…