Water Water Everywhere

Flood insurance. Do you need it? Are you in a flood zone? Who decides that and if you are, what do you need to do? AND MORE IMPORTANTLY…….WHAT IS A FLOOD?? First let’s start with the flood definition: a flood…
Flood insurance. Do you need it? Are you in a flood zone? Who decides that and if you are, what do you need to do? AND MORE IMPORTANTLY…….WHAT IS A FLOOD?? First let’s start with the flood definition: a flood…
Memorial Day weekend is coming up, and while it is for remembering those who served and gave all for our country, it also is a traditional time for “start of summer” BBQ’s and backyard parties. If you’re going to…
Owning a motorcycle has many benefits-good on gas, parking spots are easy to find, and they’re a lot of fun. However, the fact remains that being a rider comes with additional risks, as motorcycle riders are more likely to be…
Gas prices….the talk of the town. Gas prices are on the rise, and while we see this every year at certain times, this time, it feels extreme. We’ve gathered some tips for you try and save at the pump -we…
This time of year, the potholes show up. They’ve been lurking under the surface and now that we’ve had snow, rain, warm weather, cold weather…..it’s the perfect recipe. So what IS the story with potholes and insurance? Well…it’s a complicated…
A coastal winter storm in New England goes by many names…Nor’easter, Bomb Cyclone, Blizzard, whatever you call it, we’ve got one headed our way. Here are some simple easy tips to stay safe this weekend or in any winter storm…
It may sound cliché, but this Thanksgiving seems the best one in recent times to THANK all our clients. Like most businesses, our small agency has experienced many challenges in the past 20 months, and you, our clients, have stuck…
We’ve discussed in the past what coverage will kick in if you hit a deer, and what to do when after an animal collision, but what about an insurance agents’ favorite topic-preventing a claim? While it is certainly true…
Turns out there is a heck of a lot you can do to help pay for damages. There are a lot of advantages to having oil for your heating fuel-The Department of Ecology studies indicate that oil heats 16% more…
The beauty of living in New England is the changing seasons, and while Fall brings beautiful colors, it can also bring some nasty weather. From Hurricanes coming up the coast, to early fall Nor’Easters, being prepared can help minimize the…