The Ups and Downs of Trampolines

The warm weather has arrived in New England, and with it comes all those fun things about summer. Fire pits, stargazing from the trampoline, deep diving in the swimming pools and long days at the beach. As insurance agents, our…

Spring in New England can be a fickle time, warm, sunny weather one day, and cold, wind driven rain the next. Those warm spring days are the perfect time to tidy up your yard, and those rainy ones are a…

Spring Storage

Spring is the perfect time to declutter, organize, and store away those winter items you won’t use for the next several months. Bulky holiday items, winter clothes, and even furniture can be stored away -or taken out of storage. You…

Why an agent? It’s One Stop Shopping.

Everyone is short on time, and taking time out of your day to go through your insurance coverage probably isn’t at the top of your list. Insurance is a necessity for the majority of people, and whether its homeowner’s insurance,…



That is…The Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Registry of Motor Vehicles. The words strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned insurance professionals. The rules. The guidelines. The Forms. Oh…those forms. SO MANY FORMS. We know the RMV can…

Announcing our 2021 Referral Program

If you know someone looking for auto insurance, home insurance, business insurance or any other kind of property insurance, we want to be your first suggestion. For your friends in Pembroke, your neighbors in Osterville or your coworkers in Plymouth,…