Hey, it’s Spring

Spring in New England is a hit or miss in terms of weather, so when the weather is beautiful, and its warm enough (and not raining) and you can get outside-take a few minutes to do some home maintenance. While…

It’s been a minute…lets talk Agents.

There is a common misconception that using an insurance agent is more expensive that just calling 1-800-Insurance, and that is just not true. The value of in independent agent is in the services they-ahem, WE-provide. We have access to dozens…

Your college student and their insurance needs

Sending your student off to university or college can be nerve-wracking (or maybe relieving) and does come with some changes regarding their (and your) insurance needs. Let’s go through them briefly so that you can be prepared, or pass the…

Water Water Everywhere

road closed sign with flooded road

Flood insurance. Do you need it?  Are you in a flood zone? Who decides that and if you are, what do you need to do? AND MORE IMPORTANTLY…….WHAT IS A FLOOD?? First let’s start with the flood definition: a flood…

Home of the Brave

  Memorial Day weekend is coming up, and while it is for remembering those who served and gave all for our country, it also is a traditional time for “start of summer” BBQ’s and backyard parties. If you’re going to…

Painful at the Pump.

yellow and green gas nozzles in a gas pump

Gas prices….the talk of the town. Gas prices are on the rise, and while we see this every year at certain times, this time, it feels extreme. We’ve gathered some tips for you try and save at the pump -we…